Clinical Toxicology

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Urine drug testing and confirmation testing is extremely important for any physician prescribing medication to a patient.

It is well known that mixing of prescription drugs including with illicit drugs can be very harmful to a patient. Physicians need to understand the physiology of their patient and be assured the patient is taking their medication as prescribed. There are numerous accounts of patients either selling medications, or getting prescriptions from multiple doctors.

Prescription drug abuse has become an epidemic and physicians need to take every precaution to protect themselves.

Ordering urine toxicology screening and confirmations help physicians to monitor patient medication utilization and to screen for potential pharmaceuticals ordered by other physicians and compliance. It also helps to avoid adverse drug reactions and interactions from unknown prescribed medications and to monitor patient medication compliance.

We have the latest technology to give you the security you need.

Our urine drug testing is performed on the latest platform with state of the art instrumentation providing physicians insight into the requirements of their patients, giving them the security they need when prescribing patient care.